Mastering Fear
Don't take anything personally
"Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needles suffering."
I read this quote to remind myself to stop "fearing" judgement and opinions from others. I can choose to take it personally or I can choose to release myself from the burden of suffering and let it go.
"An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."
FEAR, can paralyze us preventing us from taking actions on our dreams and passions. I'd like to share with you the FEARS that ruled my life and a tool that helped me to overcome letting FEAR control my life.
Starting my own business
Not being liked/loved
Being judged by others
Leaving a job
Leaving a relationship
Saying NO to others
Sharing my true feelings
Sharing my needs, desires and boundaries
Not being "enough" (smart, knowledgeable, expert)
Posting on social media
Competing in Bikini show
Failing myself & others
Being financially independent
Being alone
FEAR - False - Expectations- Appearing - Real
Did you know we are great storytellers, liars, deceivers to ourselves? Our minds "imagine" all kind of stories and most of that is not TRUE.
What stories are you telling yourself that are preventing you from living your dreams?
Step 1. Understand what "Expectation or Outcome" you are "Imagining". Write out the story of FEAR you are telling yourself.
Step 2. Separate Fact from Fiction, underline only the FACTS, not opinion from your Story. The FACTS are the Truth, your Reality, the rest is just Fiction that you created in your mind.
Step 3. What Actions are you willing to take based on the "Truth" and "FACTS" in front of you?
Step 1&2 My Example:
I am FEARFUL of starting my own fitness business. I have never owned my own business. I have managed multi-million dollar plants, projects, people and been successful. I won't be able to get enough clients to financially support myself. I don't have enough experience. I have many training certifications in fitness & nutrition.
I don't know how to market my services. I don't know how to use instagram for my business. I may not appeal to some women as a coach. I have a passion for helping women. I may fail and make a complete fool of myself.
Step 3 My Example:
Actions I am willing to take based on the "Truth/FACTS" in front of me.
I am willing to research and gain knowledge and hire a business, marketing, instagram coach to help me navigate starting my own business.
I am willing to start my own business and fulfill my passion for helping women
I am willing to post on instagram content:
Things I’m passionate about
Value Added
Real life topics for women
Solves a Problem
Execute & Results
Key Takeaways:
Discover the FACTS
Determine Actions you are Willing to take
Execute those ACTIONS
Track your Action progress